Salon featured Caleb Finch of the USC Leonard Davis School on the serious health risks of air pollution. “The evidence is compelling, as far as I’m concerned, that there’s no safe level of air pollution, just as there is no safe level of cigarette smoking,” he said.
The Houston Chronicle (via The Conversation) featured a column by Kathleen Wilber on why the holidays are a prime time for elder abuse and scams.
Consumer Reports quoted Carin Kreutzer about healthy weight and unexplained weight loss.
Los Angeles Times quoted Valter Longo of the USC Leonard Davis School on a study into the health benefits of time-restricted eating.
The Patriot Ledger highlighted the USC Leonard Davis School’s involvement in a national campaign, Home for the Holidays, that provides home modification resources to families and older adults.
Los Angeles Times quoted Valter Longo of the USC Leonard Davis School on the benefits of intermittent fasting.
USA Today quoted Eileen Crimmins of the USC Leonard Davis School on the overall decline in life expectancy in the United States.