The Huffington Post quoted Donna Benton of the USC Leonard Davis School’s Family Caregiver Support Center about the importance of addressing the needs of caregivers, especially those who are caring for ailing family members.
NPR Oswego, New York, affiliate WRVO-FM interviewed Valter Longo of the USC Leonard Davis School on how intermittent fasting can positively affect longevity and weight loss.
NPR quoted Susan Enguídanos of the USC Leonard Davis School on recent findings that hospices with the highest rate of so-called live discharges also have the highest profits.
There’s a concern, says Enguídanos, that by discharging patients early, some hospices may be “trying to avoid costs that they should be responsible for.”
Scientific American quoted Caleb Finch of the USC Leonard Davis School on why humans and chimpanzees might have developed APOE – a type of protein in the brain that controls how plaques can form – for different evolutionary functions.
Nature quoted Caleb Finch of the USC Leonard Davis School on why humans and chimpanzees might have developed APOE – a type of protein in the brain that controls how plaques can form – for different evolutionary functions.
Science quoted University Professor Caleb Finch on the recent study that found chimpanzees might also develop Alzheimer’s disease.